Portage Community School District was selected to participate in a grant for virtual nursing services with telehealth equipment at each school. There is no cost to the school district or to families who sign up to participate. This service will support children when the school nurse is not in the building and a health issue needs a nurse assessment and outcome discussion with the family.
Families would sign up each child for this service. Communication on the outcomes of the nurse assessment is communicated directly to the family with next step guidance. The assessment is supported with telehealth equipment including: blood pressure cuff, thermometer, otoscope, stethoscope, pulse oximeter, and tongue blade. Materials used are either one time use or are cleaned between individual uses. The iPad allows the nurse from the Bellin Health program to see the student as they are being assessed with the telehealth equipment.
Questions about this program may be directed to District Nurse Hon, 608-742-4879, extension 4022.
Sign up materials in English-Once complete, return to the school office or email as attachments to healthservices@portage.k12.wi.us
Formas en Espanol-Devuelve a la oficina de escuela o manda a healthservices@portage.k12.wi.us
NOTE: It is important that all fields on each form are filled out appropriately. If they are not, it could result in your child not having access to this program. Please see sample forms:
Sample: Bellin Health communication consent form
Sample: Bellin Health communication consent form - Spanish
What is a visit like?
When your child’s school staff determines that your child should be seen by a Bellin Health registered nurse, they will initiate contact through a secure TytoCare unit or via telephone call. One of our nurses will then answer the request and begin the visit. The school staff member will remain present and facilitate the visit with your child and the nurse.
Visit demonstration video.
Will my child be diagnosed or prescribed medication?
This service is intended for the Bellin Health registered nurse to assess your child’s symptoms. If the nurse determines that your child needs further medical attention or a prescription, the school staff member will let you know.
Is there a cost for my child to use this service?
No, there is no cost to you, and insurance will not be billed.
What happens with my child's health information?
Your child’s privacy is always protected. The nurse will document the visit in our secure Epic software. This means that your child’s healthcare provider will be able to access the visit information at a later date should they need to.